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Sahi Yatra of Puri

      The Sahi Yatra or the streetplay of Puri is a popular festival, it is partly militant but its theme is religious. Taking the themes from the Ramayan, the Sahi Yatra is performed in Puri in the month of Chaitra (April) on the day of Ramnavami. The ‘Sahi Yatra’ is an event in which the inhabitants of Puri co-mingle among them and work unitedly. The very essence of Puri is the so-called Sahis/Streets. Sahi refers to wide lanes or main streets of human settlement areas. In Orissa the term ‘Sahi’ is frequently used in towns like Cuttack, Berampur, Balesore etc. In fact in the true sense, the term ‘Sahi Yatra’ is folk drama. Though the origin of the folk drama is shrouded in mystery, still the general belief lies in the fact that during the medieval ages (17th Century onwards) Puri had been raided and looted many times by Muslims invaders and the invaders have always aimed at the Jagannath Temple for its treasures. Many atimesthe reigning deities were shifted for safety. Particularly during and after Seventeenth century A.D.

     The responsibility of organizing these Sahi Yatra rests on street Akhada and Jagagharas established in each street. Akhada, which assumes the responsibility of a local development, social, order family discipline, training and practice in military art and skill along with Oddissi music and dance.


     Gotipua dance and other acrobatic forms under the strict supervision of Gurus are impacted to youths. The term ‘Jaga’ therefore, connotes the place where training in all the above mentioned facilities were given. Like the ‘Jagar’ of Himachal Pradesh, these Jaga gharas of Puri are genuine centers of cultural awakening at the grass root level. Most probably ‘Jaga’ is a derived term from the word ‘Jagarana’ which means, “to keep awake”.

     The most attractive feature in Sahi jata is the grand procession. The non winding procession crawls through many crossings which are turned into arenas by acrobats, tumblers, dancers, the Nagas, the Medhas of various deities and medhas of demons like Ravana, Navasira, Saptasira, Trisira etc. The tunes for the demon for Gods and Goddesses and for Nagas and other acrobats is Kaharba Tal, Tisrichand and four Matras. This type of procession has close similarities with the Ramlila of Varanasi.

     The star attractions in the Yatra are the characters of the Rama, Ravana, Parsuram, Hanuman, Sugrib, and Angad etc. The Sahi Yatra is famous for its Naga and Medha dance.Naga symbolises valour of the Orissan soldier, while Medha dance of the Kalika, Kali etc preserve the classical dance blended with martial stints and techniques.

    At present, there are about 80 units of skilled and trained youths under nine important Akhadas located in Kalikadevi Sahi, Matimandap Sahi, Harchandi Sahi, Markandeswar Sahi, Baseli Sahi, Kundhaibenta Sahi, Dolamandap Sahi, Bali Sahi and Goudabada Sahi (units of lanes) of the city who participate in the play.

     The play is directed to perfection with entrustment of particular scenes and events to specific Jagaghars.They present the scene in accordance with the progress of the Ramayan story till it ends. As per the system, one Sahi prepares a scene and presents it in the streets of another Sahi. Hundreds of youths exhibit their acting talent and physical skill during the progress of play procession. The play starts from Kalikadevi Sahi that presents the scene pertaining to the birth of Rama, and another Sahi follows the next scene.

    The sole aim of the festival (Mohastav) is to present the hidden glory of long living tradition of the Sahis and put them in one platform to show the dramatic form of the age-old living culture of Puri.




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