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Jagannath Temple Festivals

Chandan Jatra:-
(from Vaisakh Shukla Tritiya or Akshaya Trutiya to Jyestha Shukla Astami) Cruise in Narendra Pond. Mahalakshmi and Bhudevi accompanied by proxies of Sri Jagannath i.e., madanmohon, Rama Krishna, lakshmi, Saraswati and five Shivas, i.e. Sri Lokanath, Sri Yameshwar, Sri Kapalamachana, Sri Markandaeswara, Sri Nilakantheswar in different palanquins move to the NARENDRA POND for a ritual evening cruise every day for 21 days. At the Chandan Mandap inside the pond the deities are engaged themselves in water sport in the specially arranged vats of sandal paste water. In the valedictory nightthe deities cruise for 21 times. The Chandan Jatra is also otherwise known as Gandhalepana Jatra.

Niladri Mahodaya:-  The festival is observed on the 8th day of the bright fortnight of Baisakha. One hundred and eight pots of consecrated water are offered to the deities and other nitis are performed.

Nursingha janma:-  is celebrated on the 14th day of the bright fortnight of Baisakha when the image of Nrusingh is taken in a procession to Jagannathaballava where a ceremony is performed.


Sital sasthi:-  The 16th day of the bright fortnight of Jyestha. The image Dolagovinda and Pancha Pandav Siva are taken to the temple of Lakshmi where a ceremony is performed.

Rajendraviseka:-  The 10th day of the bright fortnight of Jyestha. Lord Jagannath has his Avisek and the proposal of his marriage with Rukmini is broached.

Rukmini Harana:-  On the 11th day of the bright fortnight of Jyestha Madanmohan, the representative deity of Jagannath, elopes Rukmini from the temple of Shri Bimala while she is offering worship and then the marriage is performed.

Snana Jatra:-  ( Jyestha Purnima  the Birth-day of Shri Jagannath)
   The three deities are brought in a colourful pahandi procession to the decorated Snana Vedi , an elevated bathing platform in the Ananda Bazar ( on the north- east corner of the outer enclose) for a ritual bath. Sudasana and Madanmohan also join them. 108 pitchers full of scented water are fetched from a sacred well ( Suna Kua, near the north gate ) are poured over the deities amidet chanting of mantras and loud rejoicings . Soon after their bath Jagannath presents himself before the audience in the form of Ganesh. Subhadra appears in Padma – vesha. This particular vesha is called GAJA VESHA. Puri Raja or his representative, Mudiratha conducts chherapanhara (ritual cleaning on the Snanamandap).

Netrotsava : ( NAVA YAUVANA  DARSHNA ) 
On the concluding day of the anasara  the deities decked in the finest robes and ornament appear before the thousands of  eager devotees feast their eyes . The festival of reappearance of Jagannath  to his devotees after anasara is called Navayauvana or fresh youth . On the next day the finishing touches are given to the eye of the deities, the ceremony called Netrotsava .

Ratha Yatra :  On the asadha shukla dwitiya after preliminary rituals the three deities and Sudarshna are ushered into their specially built massive decorated chariot  parked near Singhadwar in a ceremonial pahandi procession . Lakhs of devotees irrespective of cast , creed, and nationality throng on the Grand Road to greet their Lord of lords . The Thakur Raja of Puri ( the foremost servitor of Lord Jagannath ) conducts the ceremonial Chhera panhara on the three chariots and after that the chariots are pulled amidst loud cheers and playing of various musical instruments .The chariots rumble through the Grand Road to reach the Gundicha Mandir , situated  at a distance  3 Kms. North –east of the Main Temple. On the way the deities are offered pankti  ( wayside sacred offering ) by heads of various matha .Usually the chariots take two days to reach the Gundicha Temple . The deities are ushered into the Gundicha Temple next day and enjoy a weeklong sojourn . The flags on the chariot-spires are worshipped every day.

Hera Panchami :  is observed on the shukla panchami . The image of goddess Lakshmi is ceremonially taken to Gundicha Temple where the chariots are anchored. She appears anxious. She does not call on Jagannath, rather leaves the front yard of the Gundicha Temple abruptly while causing a little damage to Jagannath Nandighosha chariot . She comes back to her Temple via Hera Gouri Sahi.

   On the 8th day, the chariots are placed facing south-west for resumption of their return journey next day.

Bahuda Jatra:-  (Asadha shukla dashmi)  The return journey of the deities commences on the ninth day. On their way back, they halt at MAUSI MA TEMPLE and receive cake from their aunt. Then they move on. Chariots of Balabhadra and Subhadra reach sinhadwar first and Nandighosha stays back in front of the palace of Puri Raja. From the chahani mandap(viewing platform, near the Snana Mandap), Goddess Lakshmi watches the safe return of the Lord Jagannath. She breathes a sigh of relief, hurries out to that place, circumambulates her dear Lord, receives a garland (ajnamala) from him and is swung back to the Temple to feign her reluctance in granting admittance to Lord Jagannath to the temple. Nandighosha finally reaches the Sinhadwara and that marks the end of the journey by chariot.

Niladrivije (Return to Niladri):- 
On the 11th day, the deities still occupying their chariots outside the Simhadwara are richly decorated with various gold ornaments brought from the temple Store. They appear in SUNA VESHA.

            On the 12th day, Niladri Vijoya is celebrated. Balabhadra and Subhadra in ceremonial gotipahandi are ushered into the Ratna Simhasana where as Jagannath alone is left behind and becomes a target of mock humiliation by devadasis at the bidding of Lakshmi. When this pleasant repartee is over Jagannath and Lakshmi are reunited. The event is known as LAKSMI- NARAYAN BHETA. The Lord Jagannath majestically repairs to his Ratnasimhasana and joins his brother Balabhadra and sister Subhadra

Sayana Ekadashi:-  On the 11th day of the bright fortnight of Asadha, the sayana Utsava or sleeping Ceremony is performed. The adhivasa Nitis are performed the previous day. At night the representative images Shrinarayana, Vasudeva and Bhubaneswari representing Jagannath, Balabhadra and subhadra respectively are brought to the well-decorated sleeping chamber and placed on the cots. They are invoked  with the prayer's O Lord, do please sleep for four months for welfare of the universe’. Then they are laid on their respective beds.

Garuda Sayana Dwadashi:-   The ceremony is performed on the 12th day of the bright fortnight of Asadha.

Karkata Sankranti or Dakhinayan Yatra:-
  As the sun begins to move to the autumnal equinox a festival called Dakhinayan Yatra is observed.

Chitalagi Amabasya:-
  On the new moon day in the month of Shrabana the gold and stone-set Chitas(ornaments for the forhead) removed from the deities during Snana Yatra are again put on them.

Jhulana Yatra:- 
It is celebrated  in the temple of Jagannath usually from the Shrabana Sukla Dasami upto Pratipada. Madanmohan, the proxy of Jagannath; Saraswati, and Lakshmi are placed on decorated swings in Jhulan Mandap and crowds of pilgrims congregate in the temple to see the festival. Different mathas of Puri also celebrated this festival with great pomp and grandeur.

Gamhapurnami or Balabhadra Janma:-  On the full moon day in the month of Shrabana Nitis are performed to celebrate the birthday of Balabhadra . The deities wear gold and silken Rakhis.

Rahurekha Lagi:-  Rahurekha (an ornament for the forehead) are worn by the deities on the 5th lunar day of the dark fortnight of Bhadrav.

Krishna Janma:-  It is celebrated in the temple on the 8th day of the dark fortnight of Bhadraba. On this day ceremonies regarding the birth of Lord Krishna are performed. On the next day Nandotsaba is observed and Nitis are performed indicating the celebrations made by Nanda for the birth of his son.

Krishna Lila:- 
Subsequent to Nandotsaba, various Nitis relating to Krishna Lila like Banabhoji Besha, Koli Bika, Kaliya Dalana, Pralambasura Badha are performed.

Satpuri Amabasya:-   The new moon day of Bhadrab. On this day huge quantities of sweets known as Satpuri Tada are offered to the deities.

Ganesh Chaturthi:-  The 4th day of the bright fortnight in the month of Bhadrab. Panji Puja is done in Saraswati temple and various Pujas are performed in the temple of Ganesh.

Rekha Panchami or Risi Panchami:-  The 5th day of the bright fortnight in the month of Bhadraba.

Radhastami:-  The 8th day of the bright fortnight in the month of Bhadrab. On this day nitis are performed by taking out Shri Sudarsan to the four Ashramas.

Bamana Janma:-  Various Nitis are performed relating to the birth of Baman on the 12th day of the bright fortnight of Bhadrab.

Ananta Chaturdashi:-  On the 14th day of the bright fortnight in the month of Bhadrab the ceremony is performed in Shri Ananta Basudev temple.

Dwitiya Osha:-  It is performed by goddess Lakshmi in her temple.

Kumar Purnima:-  On this day the Sevakas representing Shri Jagannath and Shri Lakshmi play dice.

Dasahara:-  Ayudha puja and Vijaya dashami celebrations are performed

Prathamastami:-  The 8th day of the dark fortnight in the month of Margasira when Bandapana is done.

Navanna or Partaking of new rice:-  Various extra Bhogas are offered on this occasion. There is no fixed day for this festival but it is fixed by the temple astrologer according to the stars of Shri Jagannath.

Uttarayana Yatra:-  It is performed on the Makar Sankranti day when the sun moved towards vernal equinox.

Basanta Panchami:-  Panji puja is done in the saraswati temple, and there is some modification in Ghodalagi i.e., in the winter garments worn by the deities.

Magha Purnima:-  Gajauddharana Besha takes place on this day.

Siva Ratri:-  Hari Hara Veta takes place at Shri Lokanath temple.

Dola Yatra:-  It is performed from the 10th day of the bright fortnight of Falguna up to the full-moon day. The representative deities of Lord Jagannath are taken to the Dola Vedi and various Nitis are performed. This is also known as Vasantotsab. Fagu or red powder is sprinkled on the deities.

Ashokastami:-  It is celebrated on the 8th day of the bright fortnight on Chaitra. Shri Bhandar Lokanath is taken in a procession to Isaneswar Mahadev where certain ceremonies are performed. The deity returns to the temple after attending to some Nitis at  Jagannathballava.

Rama Navami:-  The festival begins with the celebration of the birth of Shri Rama on the 9th day of the bright fortnight of Chaitra  and continues for some days. Rama Lila is performed in which different sahis or localities in the town participate.

Pana Sankranti or Mahabishuba sankranti:-  Special Nitis are performed in the temple on this day. The day marks the beginning of the Oriya New Year.



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