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The Temple complex of Jagannath Temple

There are about approx. forty temples inside the enclosure of the Jagannath Temple. The temple complex comprises an area of approximately 18618 square feet area. It is enclosed by two rectangular enclosures (walls). The outer enclosure is called ‘Meghanath Prachira’, it is 665 ft X 640 ft. and the inner encloser is known as ‘Kurma Bedha,’ it is 420 feet X 315 feet. The height of the outer enclosure varies from 20 feet to 24 feet. Both the outer and inner enclosures (walls) are said to have been built during 15-16th century A.D.  There are four gates to enter into the complex.                         

Eastern Gate : Generally people enter into the temple through this gate. These figures of two lions made of sandstone are placed at both sides of the entrance, for which the gate is known as Simghadwar or lion's Gate. There is a pillar named Aruna-Stamba in front of this gate. It is a monolithic sharft or chlorite having sixteen sides and in 33 feet 8 inches. high from the ground. At the top of the pillar there is an image of Aruna, the charioteer of Sun-God. This pillar was brought from Konark temple and installed here during 18th century A.D.In the gate-chamber (gumuta) of the lions


gate, there are images of Hanuman, Radha Krishna and Ganesh installed on left and on right Narasimha, Hanuman and Patitapabana deity are installed.  Among all these Patitaban deity holds both historical and religious importance. It is a small replica of Lord Jagannath known as Patitapaban, which literary means the redeemer of the fallen. Historians believes this deity was installed by Raja Ramachandra Deva-II (1727-1736 AD) to enable the non-Hindus and devoties those who are not allowed to enter into the temple, they can have ‘darshan’ of Lord Jagannath without entering into the temple.

Southern Gate : The Southern gate of the temple is known as Aswadwar (Horse gate) and it is five steps above the road in front. Towards the right side of the steps, a huge figure of Hanuman has been installed. The door is said to better entrance of the tantric to go inside the temple.
Western Gate :
Four steps above the road there is a door at the westernside and two small figures of tiger are place at both sides of it, therefore it is called Byaghradwar on the Tiger Gate

Northern Gate : It is known as Hastidwar or the Elephant Gate, small figures of two elephants made of stone are seen standing at both side of the gate. The upper door-frame depicts the nine planets in usual Orissan style. Local people are named this gate as chemenidwar, because large number of house-bats staying on it.


     The animal images at the East, North, West and South gates symbolise ‘drama’ (religion and ethics) ‘artha’ material progress and prosperity, ‘Kama’ (enjoyment of pleasure of persons and social life) and ‘mokshya’ (spiritual emancipation) respectively. A roof of ‘Sikhar’ type (pyramid shape) has been constructed on each gate. The structural frame of the gate with the roof is known as Gumut.

Inner Enclosure : Beyond the Gate Chamber of Eastern Gate, the Simghadwar or the lions' gate, there are 22 steps, popularly known as Baishi Pahachha (22 steps). At present there are 18 steps, it is believed the number has been reduced to 18, due to widening of the steps in some time past. While ascending the steps on left, the following small temples are come to our notice. Kasi Biswanath Temple: After crossing the Eastern Gate, just on left of Baisi Pahachha Kasi Biswanath Temple is located. As per practice, before seeing Jagannath, one should worship Biswanath, the Lord Siva, .


Ramachandra Temple : Beside Kasi Biswanath Temple there is small temple of Ramachandra where figures of Rama, Lakshma, Sita, Hanuman are found. Adjuring to Ramachandra Temple, in a small temple Abhaya Nrisimha and Sidha Vinayale images are installed. After stepping up the Baishi Pahachha we face a gate way to inner compound.
is a way to the temple kitchen and our right there is a way to Ananda Bazar. Ananda Bazar is a place inside the temple premises where dry and cooked food after being offered to the deities are sold

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