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Mahaprasad of Lord jagannath

Four hallowed shrines located at cardinal points of the Indian sub-continent i.e. Puri,Rameswar,Dwarika and Badrinath are believed to have been liked by Lord Vishnu intimately. It is said and believed that He takes His bath at Rameswaram, meditates at Badrinath,dines at Puri and retires at Dwarika.It is therefore,a lot of importance is given to the temple food "Mahaprasad" (not simply prasad) here at Puri.

     According to " Skanda Purana" Lord Jagannath redeems the devotees by permitting them to partake his Mahaprasad,to have His darshan and to worship him by observing rituals and by offering of gifts .Mahaprasad is treated here as 'Anna Brahma'. The temple kitchen has got the capacity to cook for a lakh of devotees on a day. Mahaprasad is cooked only in earthen pots and medium of food is fire wood only. The steam-cooked food is offered to Lord Jagannath first and then to Goddess Bimala after which it becomes Mahaprasad.This Mahaprasad is freely partaken by people of all castes and creeds without any discrimination.The items offered include cooked rice, dal, vegetable curry, sweet-dishes, cakes etc. Dry confectionaries are prepared of sugar,gur,wheat flour,ghee,milk and cheese etc.

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For Puja and Order Mahaprasad from Puri

     When the steam cooked food is carried to Lord in slings of earthen pots no flavor comes up from the food but when the same is carried back to the sale point after being offered to the Lord a delicious smell spells along in the breeze to the pleasant surprise of the devotees. Now the food is blessed.

Mahaprasad consolidates human bond, sanctifies sacraments and grooms the departing soul for its journey upwards.

Mahaprasad are sold in Anand Bazar or the Pleasure Mart of the temple which is situated on the north east corner of the outer enclosure of the temple. It is the biggest open-air hotel in the world where every day thousands of devotees purchase and eat together forgetting their caste, creed and status.

Most of the residents in and around Puri depend upon this Mahaprasad to entertain their guests during social functions such as threading and weddings.

The tourists prefer to carry a particular type of dry Mahaprasad known as" Khaja" (made of maida, sugar and ghee) which stays fresh for days together.

Dried rice Mahaprasad known as “Nirmalya” is also used by devotees and tourists for different sacred occasions.

      Bhoga means food sanctified by being offering to a god, while food made holy by presentation to Jagannath goes under the name of mahaprasad. The latter term properly means any food offered to Jagannath, whether cooked or uncooked, rice or other food, but properly it is used only for cooked rice, pulses, vegetables, tamarind, presentations of the same, and sweetmeats, but not for edible fruit. The bhogas are of two kinds, the kothobhoga or offerings made from the temple funds and the Raja’s house, and chhattra bhoga, or offerings made by math's or private persons.


       About half of the kothobhoga mahaprasad is given as remuneration to the officiating priests, and the rest is sold, the sale proceeds being credited to the account of the Raja of Puri. It is reported by the Manager that the whole of the kothobhoga is regarded as part of the Raja’s perquisites, from which he allows a portion to the priests. The food is cooked in the temple Kitchens by the Suars, and is thence removed by a covered passage to the inner sanctuary in the case of ordinary kothobhogas, and to the Bhogamandapa in the case of larger kothobhogas and chhatrabhogas. When the food is being presented to the gods, the priests on duty utter mantras, fans and fly-flaps (chamars) are waved, and music is played.


     Except the Suars and the priests, none can touch the pots; otherwise they become unfit for presentation before the god and have to be thrown away. But on the completion of worship, the food becomes mahaprasad, and then can be touched by anybody and offered even by men of low caste to Brahmans and others of high caste. The mahaprasad thus prepared (minus the quantity retained by the Raja and the priests on duty) is offered for sale at Sarghara, a place outside the inner enclosure on the way to the Snanavedi. Here the pilgrims or their Pandas employees buy and take the pots to the lodging-houses. The cooking is generally well done; but if kept for more than a day, as is usually the case during the Car Festival, the food putrefies and becomes unfit for consumption.

 For Puja and Order Mahaprasad from Puri Click here

               Daily offering Mahaprasad of lord Jagannath
               Chhapan Bhog of Lord Jagannath


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